Your Hidden Food Allergy Are Making You Fat at Food Allergies

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Food Allergies - Your Hidden Food Allergy Are Making You Fat
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Your Hidden Food Allergy Are Making You Fat

Your Hidden Food Allergy or Allergies are Making You Fat

Was there an instance when you ate something like an ice cream, cake, cheese, or a piece of fruit – and you felt even hungrier? Have you experienced any food urges wherein you can't satisfy such cravings except eating the same food?

If your answer to the questions above is 'yes', then you have food allergies and you're probably fat by now. Food allergy can make you fat, and that is already a proven fact.

Allergic people crave for foods that they're allergic to and this is caused by food sensitivities. Take note of drug addicts that exhibit withdrawal symptoms. The same thing also happens to people with food allergies; when they are not able to eat certain foods, they experience discomfort.

A number of obese individuals can attest to the irresistible power of their food allergy. Compulsive eaters are craving and continuously eating allergenic foods that they're addicted to every day. They have no idea that their eating habits and food cravings have something to do with a physiological need. The withdrawal symptoms should be stopped.

Specialized doctors who diagnose and treat allergies are now accepting the simultaneous phenomenon of addiction and allergy to both chemicals and food. These doctors are called clinical ecologists, and they greatly believe that almost all persistent health problems like depression, migraine, arthritis, and fatigue are all caused by chemicals and food allergies. A great number of people are affected by food allergies even in the industrialized countries.

The same kind of food can actually cause dissimilar reactions among people. The genetic predisposition of each individual is said to be the determining factor if the person is vulnerable to such condition.

When a person has edema and / or vasculitis, the body organ that is targeted are blood vessels. If you constantly eat the food to which you're allergic at. Edema or water retention is a very common condition among individuals with food allergies, and this is one factor that contributes to obesity. If you quit intake of the food that you're allergic to, you can lose an approximate of 10 pounds in just a week and without using any diuretic.

Fat persons can lose weight without undergoing any diet plan. Food sensitivities cause your body to keep hold of fats and water, and if you remove these foods, your body will not hold excess water or fat. Therefore, you can lose weight already. You can seek professional help so that you can be provided with a diet that's low in allergen. Many doctors believe that losing weight has nothing to do with the calories in your diet.

The brain's limbic portion is affected by food sensitivity probably because this is known as the control center. All your emotions, memory functions, vegetative functions, body temperature, blood pressure, sexuality, sleep, thirst, and hunger are controlled by this portion. There have been conclusive studies showing that the vital functions are greatly affected by your food allergies.

According to a neurophysiologic analysis, allergenic foods can trigger opioid enkephalin in the brain. The body produces this narcotic, and if you frequently eat allergenic foods, the narcotic will increase or rise.

Major food allergens include coffee, wheat, dairy products, corn, and eggs. Before, medical doctors ignore food allergies because there is no specific drug that can be used to treat such condition. Most of today's doctors rely on certain supplements and avoidance of such allergenic foods.
About The Author:

Peter Dobler is a veteran in the IT business. His passion for experimenting with new internet marketing strategies leads him to explore new niche markets.
Read more about his experience with food allergies; visit


2nd Food Allergies - Your Hidden Food Allergy Are Making You Fat 2nd Food Allergies - The in-depth information directory about food allergies keeps you informed. 2nd Food Allergies - The in-depth information directory about food allergies keeps you informed.


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